
25 June - 25 Oct 2022


OperaVision, Online

Running time




Der Freischütz

A risky deal with the devil

In a rehearsal room, a group of singers is working on Carl Maria von Weber's Der Freischütz: an opera about an ambitious huntsman Max who must win a shooting contest in order to marry his beloved Agathe. Terrified that he will miss his shot, Max makes a pact with sinister forces. In this unique and unconventional production, director Kirill seeks parallels between Der Freischütz and the opera world, in which ambition, fear of failure and superstition feature just as prominently. 

Please note! This is a free stream of the performance Der Freischütz.

A risky deal with the devil

Der Freischütz (1821) is Carl Maria von Weber’s most famous work. It combines romantic arias and beautiful songs and choruses with gripping, evocative music. With his blood-curdling Wolf’s Glen scene, Weber created a musical work of art that has elicited the admiration of some of the greatest composers who lived after him. 

In this production, theatre, film and opera director Kirill Serebrennikov has changed the opera’s context by creating new dialogues to replace the spoken texts. He has also done away with the German forest and has instead opted for a rehearsal studio full of artists. And Max is no longer a huntsman afraid of missing his target, rather he is a neurotic tenor who feels threatened. Finally, conductor Patrick Hahn personifies dark forces, masterminding and manipulating everything very precisely and fastidiously.



After being forced to direct remotely for several years due to his house arrest in Russia, Serebrennikov will now, for the first time, be able to direct an opera in person again.  He is a truly multitalented director: not only does he direct opera and theatre – his recent works include Parsifal at the Vienna State Opera and Der schwarze Mönch at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg – he also directs films (LetoPetrov's Flu and Tchaikovsky's Wife), which regularly feature among the selections for the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.

For Der Freischütz, Serebrennikov will be working with an adventurous cast of high calibre.  German tenor Benjamin Bruns and South African soprano Johanni van Oostrum are perfectly cast as sweethearts Max and Agathe. And captivating soprano Ying Fang will return to Amsterdam as Ännchen, while Austrian bass Günther Groissböck will take on the role of the depraved Kaspar, after having sung several Wagner roles at Dutch National Opera. With the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in the pit, this promises to be an exhilarating experience.

Performance information


Friedrich Kind, after Der Freischütz by August Apel

New (English) dialogues by Kirill Serebrennikov and Arseniy Fariatiev

Musical direction  Patrick Hahn

Direction and set design  Kirill Serebrennikov

Co-direction and choreography Evgeny Kulagin

Costume designers  Kirill Serebrennikov and Tanya Dolmatovskaya

Lighting design  Franck Evin

Music dramaturgy Daniil Orlov

Video design Alan Mandelshtam

Fürst Ottokar + Kilian  Michael Wilmering

Kuno  James Platt

Agathe  Johanni van Oostrum

Ännchen  Ying Fang

Kaspar + Ein Eremit  Günther Groissböck

Max  Benjamin Bruns

Samiel  Patrick Hahn

The Red One  Odin Lund Biron


Caroline Cartens*

Lisette Bolle*

Dana Ilia*

Tomoko Makuuchi*

* Chorus of Dutch National Opera


Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Members and alumni of the Nationaal Jeugd Jazz Orkest

Rehearsal Konrad Koselleck

Chorus  Chorus of Dutch National Opera

Chorus master  Lionel Sow

Opera in three acts (1821)

Sung in German, spoken texts in English

Music from The Black Rider by Tom Waits

Just The Right Bullets

Flash Pan Hunter

I'll Shoot The Moon

With special thanks to Tom Waits,

Kathleen Brennan and Roger Dorresteijn

Order tickets

Der Freischütz will be streamed from 25 June 2022 at 19:30 for free on this page. The performance will be available until 25 October 2022 at 12:00.

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Der Freischütz stream

Der Freischütz stream

Trailer Der Freischütz

Trailer der Freischütz
in the media
Rave reviews

Holland Festival kicks off with eerily good 'Freischütz', in which nothing is what it was."

"Commissioned by De Nationale Opera (DNO), Serebrennikov knocked the dust out of Der Freischütz and then turned the entire work inside out. ... The result was three hours of masterly theatre, which was no longer about hitting the mark with magic devil bullets, but about the intimidating opera business itself.

6 June

At the National Opera, Weber's Der Freischütz is not a hunting fairy tale but a merciless insight into the machinations of the opera business. Irreverent and infectious

"Although the theatrical magic was systematically ironised and unmasked, the singers of course had to sing for real. And they did a fantastic job.

"Melodious at times, but also infectiously spirited and admirably inventive.

6 June

Laughing shamelessly at what is actually a serious opera is so liberating

6 June

Serebrennikov does with Der Freischütz what no one has dared before: successfully mutilates the play."

"The Russian director Kirill Serebrennikov has completely moulded the opera Der Freischütz to his liking. Partly due to the magnificent singers, this makes for an amusing evening.

6 April
Der Freischütz scènebeeld | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens
Scènebeeld Der Freischütz | Foto: Bart Grietens
Scene from Der Freischütz | Photo: Bart Grietens

Music fragment Der Freischütz - Schelm halt fest!

Music fragment Der Freischütz - Schelm halt fest!

Der Freischütz - Podcast

By: Jasmijn van Wijnen en Laura Roling

Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak
Repetitie Der Freischütz | Foto: Milagro Elstak
Rehearsal Der Freischütz | Photo: Milagro Elstak

Behind the Scenes - Der Freischütz

Der Freischütz - Behind the Scenes

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Founded in 1888, the Concertgebouw Orchestra has consistently been rated among the world's best orchestras, and has always collaborated with the greatest composers, conductors and soloists. In addition to some eighty concerts performed at The Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, each year the orchestra gives concerts at other major concert halls throughout the world. The orchestra expands its reach through videos, streaming, radio and television broadcasts, and CD and DVD recordings on its own label. The Academy of the Concertgebouw Orchestra successfully moulds young, talented musicians into orchestral players. Every summer, Concertgebouworkest Young brings together hidden talent aged fourteen to seventeen from all over Europe. The Concertgebouw Orchestra fosters a long, highly treasured collaboration with Dutch National Opera. This season the orchestra will join us for Der Freischütz.

Photo: Simon van Boxtel


Nationaal Jeugd Jazz Orkest

The Nationaal Jeugd Jazz Orkest (NJJO) is composed once every two years of Dutch top talent, and consists of twenty starting professionals of no more than 25 years old. The orchestra offers young jazz musicians the opportunity to acquire a wealth of practical and substantive knowledge in a short period of time, and to link this to special stage experiences and collaborative projects. Composer, band leader and saxophonist Maarten Hogenhuis is the orchestra's artistic director and conductor in 2021 and 2022.

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