Alan Mandelshtam

Alan Mandelshtam

Video designer

Video artist Alan Mandelshtam has worked at the Gogol Centre and Theatre at the Malaya Bronnaya in Moscow, with directors such as Kirill Serebrennikov, Konstantin Bogomolov, Philip Grigorian, Maxim Didenko, Nina Chusova, Anton Adasinsky and Elmar Senkovs. Important productions in recent years are The Demons of Dostoevsky and Uncle Lev, The Tragedy of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Who is Happy in Russia?, A Man Without a Name (all three at the Gogol Centre) and Carmen in Perm. He also worked with Serebrennikov on Shostakovich's The Nose at the Bayerische Staatsoper (2021). He made his DNO debut with Der Freischütz (2022).