Call for dancers and child actresses for Maria Stuarda

Dutch National Opera will present eight performances between May 6 – 28, 2023 of Maria Stuarda (music: Gaetano Donizetti, direction: Jetske Mijnssen, choreography: Lillian Stillwell) in Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam. Rehearsals for this production will take place between March 22 and May 3, 2023.

For this production, Dutch National Opera is looking for 8 dancers and 2 child actresses.

Shortcut to:



We’re looking for 4 male and 4 female professionally trained dancers (aged 25 - 35, all body types), with good technical skills and acting experience.

Please note:

  • we need dancers who like to act as well, in the production they will be involved in many scenes, there is more ‘movement’ than ‘dancing’.
  • both men and women will play doubles of both queens. This means that they cannot have facial hair (beards etc.).

We expect you to be available on call for the entire rehearsal period March 22 up to and including May 3, 2023, and for all performances on May 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 (matinee), 25, 28 (matinee), 2023 in Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam.

Audition date and registration

The audition will take place on Friday, January 13, 2023, between 17:00 – 18:30 at Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam.

If you’re interested please send your CV, recent pictures/links as soon as possible (but before January 10, 2023) to:

Call for dancers (pdf)

Child actresses

Dutch National Opera is looking for two little girls, around 10 years old but with the appearance of a 7/8-year-old, for these performances. It would be ideal if they had previous theatre or dance experience. The performance features one girl, but we need a backup cast in case one of the girls becomes ill.

Rehearsals are planned from March 22 up to and including May 3, 2023, and the performances on May 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 (matinee), 25, 28 (matinee), 2023 in Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam. The girls will have to rehearse 2-3 times a week, as much as possible outside of school hours.

Audition date and registration

The audition will take place on Friday, January 13, 2023, from 16:30 at Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam, Waterlooplein 22.

If you’re interested please send an e-mail as soon as possible (but before January 10, 2023) to:

Please include a recent photograph.

Call for child actresses (pdf, in Dutch only)