Wouter Snoei

Wouter Snoei

Soundscape ontwerp

Since his graduation in 2000 from the Institute of Sonology, part of the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, Wouter Snoei has worked as a composer and performer of electronic and electroacoustic music. He has performed in the Netherlands and abroad, and in recent years he has been increasingly active in musical theatre.

He also works as a software designer and sound engineer specialised in spatial music. He has collaborated with Silbersee, Calefax Reed Quintet, Het Orgelpark, Slagwerk Den Haag, Via Berlin, Sonnevanck, Korthals Stuurman, Mayke Nas, Gwyneth Wentink, Moniek Toebosch, Barbara Lüneburg and Celine Daemen, among others. He also designed the software for The Game of Life Foundation’s Wave Field Synthesis system, consisting of 192 speakers. Snoei also works as a lecturer in the music technology course at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.