Nienke Nasserian Nillesen

Nienke Nasserian Nillesen

Soprano and classical music theatre maker Nienke Nasserian Nillesen graduated cum laude in 2018 from the Master of Music Music Theatre Classical at the Fontys Conservatory in Tilburg. Two years before, she obtained her bachelor's degree there.

She has made three autobiographical classical music theatre performances: the three-part MASAI, MZUNGU and MTOTO. Three performances about family, loss and cultural differences, in which music is the connecting factor. In these performances, she intertwined storytelling, classical singing, African rhythms and melodies and electro-acoustic music. For her first performance MASAI, she won the 'Entreeprijs' at Theaterfestival Boulevard in 2016.

Recently she performed in the show GOUD! at Dutch National Opera. Besides, she performs regularly as a soloist with various (symphony) orchestras, ensembles and choirs.

Last update: 8 June 2022