
24 June 2023


Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Main Stage

Running time

See group times | Performance 13:15 - 14:00hrs



Jump Dansdag

Will you be there on the most fun day of the year? You are welcome on 24 June 2023 in our theatre at the Jump Dance Day. Dance along with other children and young people in a workshop and go to a great performance! We will organise a dance workshop for each age group.

Jump Dance Day 2023

Jump dansdag

Jump Dance Day 2022


The theme of this dance day is Giselle. Dutch National Ballet will dance Giselle in October and November 2023 at Dutch National Opera & Ballet.


At 13:15, Dutch National Ballet will give a special performance. Parents, brothers, sisters and grandparents can also attend the performance for €15 per person. All tickets are unassigned, so you and your child can pick a seat in the auditorium.

Group Plié

4 - 6 years

This workshop is fully booked

  • At what time: 11.30 - 14.00 hrs.
  • Where: Dutch National Opera & Ballet
  • For whom: Jump fans from 4 to 6 years*.
  • To wear: Your ballet clothes and a cardigan
  • Bring with you: Ballet shoes, lunch, a card with your parent's phone number (if they are not coming along as a guide), permission form for photography
  • Costs: € 15 for the whole day, performance included
  • Costs parents: € 15 p.p. for the performance

Jump Dansdag: Group Plié

* Please note: the minimum age to participate in the Dansdag is 4 years. 


The ballet Giselle is about a count who falls in love with a peasant girl. He deceives her by not telling her he is a count. In doing so, he ends up calling down fate on Giselle and himself.


Every group will be accompanied by a supervisor from Jump. If you would like to accompany the group yourself (maximum 1 supervisor per toddler possible), it is necessary to buy a ticket for the performance from 13.15 - 14.00 hrs.


At 13.15, Dutch National Ballet will give a special performance. Parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents may attend the performance for €15 p.p. All tickets are unassigned, so you can pick a seat in the auditorium with your child. We do not accompany the children during the performance, but we do accompany them during the workshop. Buy tickets online or by phone (box office: +3120 6255455).

Group Chassé

7 - 10 years

This workshop is fully booked

  • At what time: 12.30 - 15.45 hrs.
  • Where: Dutch National Opera & Ballet
  • For whom: Jump fans from 7 to 10 years.
  • To wear: Your ballet clothes and a cardigan
  • Bring with you: Ballet shoes, lunch, a card with your parent's phone number, permission form for photography
  • Costs: € 15 for the whole day, performance included
  • Costs parents: € 15 p.p. for the performance

Jump Dansdag: Groep Chassé


The ballet Giselle is about a count who falls in love with a peasant girl. He deceives her by not telling her he is a count. In doing so, he ends up calling down fate on Giselle and himself.


At 13.15, Dutch National Ballet will give a special performance. Parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents may attend the performance for €15 p.p. All tickets are unassigned, so you can pick a seat in the auditorium with your child. We do not accompany the children during the performance, but we do accompany them during the workshop. Buy tickets online or by phone (box office: +3120 6255455).

Group Assemblé

11 - 13 years
  • At what time: 9.30 - 14.00 hrs.
  • Where: Dutch National Opera & Ballet
  • For whom: Jump fans from 11 to 13 years.
  • To wear: Your ballet clothes and a cardigan
  • Bring with you: Ballet shoes, lunch, a card with your parent's phone number, permission form for photography
  • Costs: € 15 for the whole day, performance included
  • Costs parents: € 15 p.p. for the performance


The ballet Giselle is about a count who falls in love with a peasant girl. He deceives her by not telling her he is a count. In doing so, he ends up calling down fate on Giselle and himself.


At 13.15, Dutch National Ballet will give a special performance. Parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents may attend the performance for €15 p.p. All tickets are unassigned, so you can pick a seat in the auditorium with your child. We do not accompany the children during the performance, but we do accompany them during the workshop. Buy tickets online or by phone (box office: +3120 6255455).

Group Jeté + pointe shoe workshop

14 - 17 years
  • At what time: 9.30 - 14.00 hrs.
  • Where: Dutch National Opera & Ballet
  • For whom: Jump fans from 14 to 17 years.
  • To wear: Your ballet clothes and a cardigan
  • Bring with you: Ballet shoes, lunch, a card with your parent's phone number, permission form for photography
  • Costs: € 15 for the whole day, performance included
  • Costs parents: € 15 p.p. for the performance

Jump Dansdag: Group Jeté + pointe shoe workshop


This Dansdag will focus on Giselle. The ballet Giselle is about a count who falls in love with a peasant girl. He deceives her by not telling her he is a count. In doing so, he ends up calling down fate on Giselle and himself.

During the ballet class, you will be introduced to the repertoire of this beautiful ballet and warm up at the same time. After this intensive class, you will delve deeper into ballet under the guidance of Marion Vijn. If you have signed up for the pointe shoe workshop, you will receive tips and tricks from pointe shoe expert Jane Lord! She danced with the Dutch National Ballet for a long time and will hopefully teach you many new things!

Please note: you need your own pointe shoes and some experience for the pointe shoe workshop!


At 13.15, the Dutch National Ballet will give a special performance. Parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents can attend the performance for €15 p.p. All tickets are unplaced, so you can pick a seat in the auditorium with your child. Buy tickets online or by phone (box office: +3120 6255455).

Please note: you need your own pointe shoes and some experience for the pointe shoe workshop!


Download the permission form for photography here (pdf):

Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Group Plié
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day 2022 | Group Chassé
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Group Assemblé
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day 2022 | Group Jeté
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Kim Krijnen
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Kim Krijnen
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Marieke de Bra
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Kim Krijnen
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Kim Krijnen
Jump Dansdag
Jump Dance Day | Photo: Kim Krijnen

Order tickets

Sign up for the workshops (performance included)

You can order tickets for the performance during the Jump Dansdag via the button below.

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