Mart van Berckel
Laurien Riha

Mart van Berckel


Mart van Berckel is a director of music theatre and opera with a passion for creating and directing new repertoire. He studied piano, music theatre and directing at ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem (the Netherlands) and at the Zurich University of the Arts (Switzerland). Over the past few years, he has produced performances for a variety of Dutch theatres, including Theater aan de Rijn, KASKO, Theater Bellevue, Theater Sonnevanck and Theater Oostpool, as well as for the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and NITE (National Interdisciplinary Theatre Ensemble/Club Guy & Roni). In 2023, Van Berckel made his successful directing debut at Staatsoper Hamburg (Germany), where the world premiere of his staging of Silvesternacht received critical acclaim. In the same year, he debuted at Dutch National Opera with a new production by the name of Ändere die Welt, which will be revived in Germany next season. Going forward, Van Berckel has been engaged to direct productions at Dutch National Opera Academy (Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria) and NITE.

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