Tribu Tambú Groep

Tribu Tambú Groep

Tribu Tambú Group is a band with 4 chapistas who drum on iron shovels, 1 percussionist on the drum and 4 singers.

For much of the population in the Caribbean, tambú is a fundamental part of their way of life; traditions and identity. It has its roots in African religion and cannot be separated from economic and socio-cultural components of African culture, and is closely related to the history of slavery in the Caribbean.

According to Curaçao tambú expert Dr René Rosalia, tambú is not just song, dance and music, but life itself.

Tambú music provides the opportunity for emotional expression, enjoyment, entertainment, communication, physical reaction, social control, the maintenance of social institutions and the observance of religious rituals. The music contributes to the continuity and stability of culture and the integration of the community.

Last update: 1 June 2023