Sietse Remmers

Sietse Remmers

Actress, author and theatre maker

Sietse Remmers (1989) is an actress, author and theatre maker. Her most recent production was The Taming of the Shrew, an adaptation with contributions from Shakespeare, Hoeyberghs, Trump, Johnson, Baudet, Remmers and many others, a music theatre production with a seven-member cast and in which she herself played the lead role of Katharina. This text was published by De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek, making Remmers the first published Dutch female translator of Shakespeare since the eighteenth century. Other performances she created included Pan, De weduwe, and site-specific performance De ai van Ajax: een Griekse tragedie met hits van Dolly Parton. Currently, Sietse is working on Politics is Entertainment for Ugly People, a democalyptic political tragedy.

Last update: 28-03-2024