FAQs Audition Dutch National Opera Studio

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the Dutch National Opera Studio programme and the audition process.

Applying for the Dutch National Opera Studio programme

What is the structure of the programme?

Applications for the programme are accepted from all countries and all nationalities. There is an age limit for applicants: 32 years old maximum at the programme’s start date.  

The panel will consider the stage that applying artists have reached in their careers so far, as well as where their potential to develop over two years of working in the studio.

Who can apply for the programme?

Applications for the programme are accepted from all countries and all nationalities.

There is age limit for applicants: 32 years old maximum for both men and women.

The panel will consider the stage artists have reached in their careers and where they will be in terms of career development potential after two years on the programme.

Do applicants need permission to work in the NL to apply for the programme?

For the application this is not necessary; if non-EEA applicants are offered a place on the programme, Dutch National Opera can apply for a “residence permit” which it will allow non-EEA studio members to live and work in NL.

Where to apply?

Application forms for répétiteurs and singers can be found on the following information page:

Auditions Dutch National Opera Studio 2024/2025

What material is needed to apply?

A completed application through our form online requires an updated CV, portrait picture, repertoire list, spoken bio in English and 3 Youtube links, not older than 3 months. 

We only accept Youtube links for the audio-visual material. Make sure the videos are published as “unlisted” or “public”. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

What does it cost to apply?

There is no application fee for the programme. 


Where are auditions held?

For singers, the audition is held on the main stage; for repetiteurs, the audition is held in one of our studios at Dutch National Opera & Ballet, in Amsterdam.

When are auditions held?

The auditions for singers and répétiteurs to join the programme in the season 2024/2025, will take place mid-December 2023 for singers and for répétiteurs in January 2024.


Who will be at the auditions?

The audition panel will consist of Rosemary Joshua (Artistic director of the Dutch National Opera Studio) and members of the DNO music staff.

Can applicants bring a pianist, agent, relative or friend?

All auditions are closed and applicants may not bring friends, relatives, singing teachers, agents or their own pianist to the audition. The panel speak French, German, Spanish as well as English.

What repertoire can be presented for the audition?

The audition requirements will be communicated to the applicants directly at a later stage.

Who will accompany the audition?

One of our main repetiteurs of the Dutch National Opera will accompany all auditions. Applicants do not need to organise their own pianist.

What do applicants need to bring for the audition?

Candidates are asked to provide the scores or sheet music of all the repertoire they will perform in the audition, ahead of time. Once the repertoire has been decided and sent to us, it cannot be changed.

What audition wear is appropriate?

The audition is held on the main stage, but concert dress is not required.

How do applicants from non EEA countries obtain a visa to attend the audition session?

Visa applications for attending auditions are not handled by Dutch National Opera.

In case of need, we can provide with a “Letter of Invitation” for those applicants who are invited to audition and need a visa. Please ask for it in time via operastudio@operaballet.nl

Is financial assistance available towards attending the audition?

The programme is unable to provide any financial assistance towards attending the auditions and does not refund travel or accommodation expenses for attending auditions.