Codi Takács

Codi Takács

Codi Takács is an American contrabass player, vocalist, improviser, self-critic and composer. As an ensemble musician, he has performed with Asko|Schönberg, Klangforum Wien, The Metropole Orchestra, New European Ensemble, and Doelen Ensemble and with productions of <<HEROÏCA>> (directed by Dan Tanson) and Once Around the World (musical director: Mike Svoboda) with the Lucerne Festival Academy Alumni. As a vocalist, she is active in both voice acting and songwriting, and in 2020 Codi released Music In Progress, her first solo album of pseudo-absurd self-composed songs. With an ongoing passion for pairing the human voice and the double bass in theatrical performance, she has commissioned several works for solo double bassist/singer and written The Double Bass Voice: A How-To Guide. Besides the stage, Codi likes to design T-shirts, take long existential walks in the woods and be 'blue'.

DNO debut