Scholarship for the young talents of the Junior Company

Private donors can choose to contribute specifically to the development of the talent of young dancers. Various private donors finance a scholarship from one of the young talents of the Junior Company and in this way become very personally involved with the dancers and the start of their career as a professional dancer.

The Junior Company bridges the gap between professional dance training and professional company: the National Ballet Academy, part of the Amsterdam School of the Arts, and the National Ballet, the Netherlands' largest dance company. This makes Het Nationale Ballet a unique environment for young dancers who have to get used to professional practice, but who have enough talent to look forward to a flourishing career.

Junior Company: Largo

The Junior Company consisted of the following members in the 2020-2021 season:

Junior Company

Sophomore: Philippe Magdelijns, Emma Mardegan, Sebia Plantefève, Claire Tjoe-Fat.

Freshmen: Koko Bamford, Mila Caviglia, Lauren Hunter, Christopher Mitchell, Isaac Mueller, Catarina Pires, Giorgi Potskhishvili, Guillermo Torrijos, Koyo Yamamoto.