David Dawson and James Stout
Photo: Altin Kaftira

‘David pushes ballet technique to new extremes’

21 March 2022

Principal dancer James Stout about David Dawson.

“Working with David Dawson has had a strong influence on my dancing career, but also on my development as a dancer and a person. David is someone who recognises people’s potential and believes in you one hundred percent, even when others might not. His enormous focus makes him very special to work with. David pushes ballet technique to new extremes. Whereas in most ballets you aim for certain stand- ards, with him you’re always striving for something totally new. Every turn and every arabesque in his work has something unexpected. It’s never enough for David. If you think you’ve really reached your limit as a dancer, he will push you – physically and mentally – just that little bit further in every subsequent work.”